Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rapid eLearning Prototyping

By David Shaw
 A PDF of this article is available by email from the author.

Rapid eLearning prototyping uses modular design patterns (templates and components) for courses of different but standard types. The goal is to reduce development cycles by 50%. Some examples of components are re-usable HTML objects such as Navigation Object, Multiple Choice Object, Feedback Object and so forth. The business objective in rapid prototyping is:

  •  Reduce cost
  • Reduce development time
  • Better meet client requirements
  • Reduce time for future updates
  • Create better and more consistent courses
  • Allow developers to spend 80% of effort in creative tasks

Like many activities that require some project management, eLearning has traditionally used the Waterfall method. It’s a sequence of mostly linear activities sometimes called, “throw it over the wall” because it does not encourage collaboration. It’s baked in Microsoft Project and most project methodologies.

Figure 1 shows a typical waterfall process for developing eLearning courses. It assumes that all requirements are understood at the outset. Even if this were true (it never is) the development cycle is lengthy so there are many opportunities for requirements to change before the project is finished. Updates for new versions are also time consuming as they have to go over the steps in the waterfall. With the waterfall team members often spend the bulk of their time managing the process and creating the many reports and other documents it requires.

This too has to change.

Fig 1 – Traditional waterfall process

Developing eLearning is a lot like developing a software application, and one thing the industry is lacking is an integrated development environment (IDE) to increase productivity through rapid prototyping or other form of incremental development.

Studio applications like Camtasia or Captivate are a step in the right direction toward an IDE. With Camtasia or Captivate you can create a course and embed graphics and video. If you open media-editing software and revise the graphics or video it will update automatically in the course stream in, say, Captivate. At the end of the process you can publish a course with all of its components and then load it into an LMS for final testing.

Although suites like Adobe’s eLearning Suite or the Lectora set of tools have good integration between tools, an IDE presents a single development environment with a higher degree of integration between tools and the testing environment. When scanning the market for the current set of tools they are still centred on converting PowerPoints and creating Flash.

An ideal IDE would drag and drop course modules in a graphical learning-path or other course-breakdown diagram with all its branches. Clicking on any part would open an editing environment for easy updates of all types of content. Templates with basic elements for re-use, ready-made interface and navigational elements, widgets, media and other objects would be drag and drop.
It’s not an exact analogue but, for example, using an IDE the author developed a smartphone app for both iPhone and Android in less than a week.

However, even without good IDEs we can still make advances through rapid prototyping with small cross-discipline teams. Figure 2 shows one variant on rapid prototyping that the authors have used in eLearning. The goal is to continuously improve the time to completion with successive projects by developing and improving design patterns that can be re-used. A key principle is the separation of roles between Subject Matter Expert and Instructional Designers.

Fig 2 – A rapid-prototyping process

In this rapid approach there are several iterations in each phase and the phases are time boxed to control the schedule. Instructional designers work one-iteration ahead of developers and testers to keep their work-product backlog full. The make-up of the instructional team in each phase is entirely dependent on the context of each project. Sometimes more people are better in a discussion, sometimes less. Either way, daily communication and review within the instructional team is essential. The frequent participation of the Client and Subject Matter Expert (SME) is also essential.

The goal with the time box is to ship a course that meets core requirements. If the course does not meet all enhancement requests, then a follow-on project should be funded to develop the next version of the course. This implies the need to develop and manage a roadmap for the development of the course.

Short iterations may add too little functionality, leading to significant delays in final iterations. Because development is rapid documentation tends to be less than found in a waterfall process. A significant amount of post-project documentation may be required. It is a good practice to keep functional requirements updated and records of screen shots as the project proceeds. Every enhancement, change request and decision should be documented in an email and filed as a PDF.

It may also be difficult to communicate progress and status to management. Including the Client in this process will help alleviate concerns. Because each phase is time-boxed, progress reports can be based on semi-weekly or weekly estimates of effort required to complete versus the budgeted effort to complete.

The following table shows how to calculate and present the variance and percentage complete. A column for cost could be added but note that percentage spent is not equivalent to percentage complete. This method of reporting should also be used for individual tasks. The variance can also be tracked over multiple projects, as a performance indicator in the development group.

Status Report
Work to Date

Actual work in days to current date

Estimated days to complete phase

Total estimated days to complete phase
C= A + B

Budgeted days for this phase

Variance (positive is bad!)
= C - D

Percentage complete

Friday, January 11, 2013

Technology Change in eLearning

By David Shaw

eLearning has been in a period of stagnation characterised by an explosion in the learning management systems (LMS) sector (>300 in the market) and an implosion in the backend learning content-management systems (LCMS) sector (~6 in the market). This might seem like a contradiction but the 300 have brought no new big ideas about training and cost reduction and the LCMS vendors are still building complex information silos that discourage easy re-use of content.

Outside the largest organizations eLearning is still shackled by human-resource departments that (astoundingly!) don’t know how to train; corporate IT departments that are zoo-keepers who only know how to feed caged Microsoft software, and who believe that eLearning is PowerPoints best delivered on SharePoint; and in the eLearning space itself a waterfall process for developing courses that can often take more than six weeks and sometimes months for a one-hour course.

Maybe it's time for change.

“We live in a time of profound transition, when the future of everything is up in the air,” says Farhad Manjoo. Manjoo is Slate's technology columnist and the author of True Enough: Learning To Live in aPost-Fact Society.

That future is being shaped not by old nation-states but by the ‘five’ horsemen of technology: Apple (1976), Amazon (1994), Facebook (2004), Google (1998), and Samsung (1938). Together these rival companies define the global markets for cloud services; mobile devices like smartphones, eReaders and tablets; mobile apps; and social networking.

Riding in the dust in the company of strangers is Microsoft, struggling to redefine itself as a hardware company that can make hip fondleslabs that people actually want to buy. Windows still rules in corporate mindshare but it’s a slideshow everywhere else.

Android and iOS rule in operating systems for mobile phones and tablets, riding well ahead of the distant pack of QNX, Bada, Symbian, Windows Mobile, and Linux (in order of market share). As an aside, Android, iOS, QNX and Linux all have an ancestry in Unix.

Other mobile operating systems coming soon are BB10, Firefox, Jolla, Tizen, and Ubuntu. And of course there is Google Chromebook.

Yes, companies rise and fall but what distinguishes these five horsemen is that they are extremely successful in all their aspects, and especially in innovation. Nobody else comes close.

Besides the decline of Windows and a proliferation of platforms, what are the key changes driven by the horsemen's technology that impact content-management in general and eLearning in specific? The most notable ones are:
  • Rise of Mobile Media
  • Demise of Flash
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Content is a Commodity
  • Computing is a Commodity
 A PDF of the complete article discussing these factors is available by email from the author.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Repository Metadata

By David Shaw

Repository metadata is used in a CMS to manage, re-use, assemble and transform content. The process of developing metadata is iterative until a best-fit is found with reference to existing standards. Metadata design balances value against the effort and additional work of capturing the metadata. Organizing metadata in categories enhances maintenance and manageability. Repository metadata maps to output targets like SCORM courses and web pages. Automated tools can apply metadata to legacy content.

A PDF of the complete article is available by email from the author.